TSM® Talent Rewards

Town Square Mortgage is a lender in more than 13 states nationwide. It has more than 140 Loan Officers and Loan Originators who compete month after month to be the best professionals in their niche. The company needed a brand loyalty strategy accompanied by a merchandising plan that would encourage employees to improve their production and boost relationships with their clients.


Trendo Market was a magazine that showcased trends and market research towards business innovation. As an experiment, it was founded to be a medium for our clients to advertise themselves to a creativity-minded audience.

La Metro Brand

After 29 years of history, the Instituto Metropolitano de Diseño (Quito, Ecuador) needed to reflect a new vision: A world that evolves based on education and talent management. The academic center is the first -and only- design-specialized institution in the country, and that added significant complexity to the challenge: a design for designers.

Metro Design Week

The Metro Design Week is an annual event that includes conferences, exhibitions, workshops, artistic and sports demonstrations with influence in the city of Quito, Ecuador. The institution required event planning, customer service, communication and public relations, project management, and overall direction.