Case Study

Terratino Website

Terratino is a recognized brand established in Dallas, Texas, that helps the Hispanic community buy properties, connect with professionals to start or improve businesses and find solutions to everyday business needs. The client needed a website that would help users navigate cataloged services, request quotes or estimates, and learn about financial and real estate processes.

At Kreathink, we are proud to have designed a website ideally suited to Terratino users’ needs. We utilized data from their users to structure the front end, resulting in an intuitive and easy-to-navigate website. Our team worked tirelessly to improve the technology used to connect databases, CRM, marketing funnel, and customer service, ensuring our users have a seamless experience throughout their journey. 

We also implemented a “Netflix” inspired interface, which provides visitors with a continued experience that is adjusted to their interests and preferences. With our user-centric approach, we were confident that Terratino’s website exceeded its users’ expectations and provided them with the tools they needed to succeed.
